发布日期: 2024-08-08   阅读次数: 303


李显波,男,毕业于BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育,博士,副教授。2023.02-2023.07东北大学 教育部高等学校国内访问学者。






2018 年(近 3 年)以来主要承担的科研项目



3、贵州省普通高等学校青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合 KY [2021]0994万元,已结题,2021.01-2023.12

4、贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合基础-ZK[2022]一般 07010万元,在研,2022.04-2025.03


2016 年(近 5 年)以来主要发表学术论著


[1] 专著:《α半水磷石膏的制备与性能》,化学工业出版社李显波,张覃,2020


[1] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*, Aoao Chen, Xuming Wang. CO2 bubble formation on dolomite surface and its influence on surface wettability and flotation of dolomite. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2024, 60(3), 190254.

[2] Hu Huang, Wenxin Gao , Xianbo Li*.Effect of SO42- and PO43- on flotation and surface adsorption of dolomite:Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation studies. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 680:132699.

[3] Xianbo Li*Weifan Du. Rapid synthesis of α‑hemihydrate phosphogypsum in MgCl2 solution by microwave heating. Langmuir 2024, 40, 15897−15905.

[4] Lusong Wang, Xianbo Li*, Yuqi He, Hu Huang, Yawen Du. Doping behavior and occurrence state of Na impurity in α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate prepared in Na2SO4 solution. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2025, 650: 127993.

[5] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*. Dehydration behaviour and impurity change of phosphogypsum during calcination. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 311:125328.

[6] Wenxin Gao, Qin Zhang, Xianbo Li*. Interaction of Ca2+, Mg2+ with dolomite (104) surface and its effect on caproic acid adsorption: DFT calculation. Applied Surface Science 614 (2023) 156244.

[7] Xianbo Li*, Wenxin Gao. Conversion of phosphogypsum into α -hemihydrate in the presence ofpotassium acid phthalate and Ca2+: Experimental and DFT studies. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 652 (2022) 129906.

[8] Lusong Wang, Xianbo Li*, Weifan Du, et al. Effect of soluble phosphorus on the mechanical properties of a-hemihydrate gypsum. JOM, 2023, 75(4):1128-1136.

[9] Xianbo Li, Lusong Wang. Sodium doping and control during the preparation of α-hemihydrate gypsum in NaCl solution. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2024.08.014

[10] Weifan Du, Xianbo Li*, Qin Zhang. DFT study of coadsorption of fatty acid and kerosene on fluorapatite(001) surface. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2023, 59(1): 161890.

[11] Weifan Du, Xianbo Li*.Insight into the inhibition mechanism of carboxymethyl cellulose for flotation of dolomite and fluorapatite: Experimental and DFT studies. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 674:131957.

[12] Lusong Wang, Min Cao, Xianbo Li*, et al. A novel approach for improving the water resistance of gypsum plaster by internal mixing hypromellose and external coating waterproofing agent.Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401:132940.

[13] Xianbo Li*, Yuqi. He. Preparation of α -hemihydrate gypsum from phosphogypsum in glycerol and Na2SO4 mixed solutions under atmospheric pressure. Journal of Crystal Growth 568-569 (2021) 126184.

[14] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*. Effect of molecular structure of organic acids on the crystal habit of α-CaSO4·0.5H2O from phosphogypsum. Crystals, 2020, 10: 24.

[15] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang⁎ , Bo Hou, Junjian Ye, Song Mao, Xianhai Li. Flotation separation of quartz from collophane using an amine collector and its adsorption mechanism. Powder Technology, 2017, 318: 224-229.

[16] Xianbo Li, Junjian Ye, Yueqin Qiu, Longjiang Li, Song Mao, Zhihong Liu, Qin Zhang* Adsorption of residual amine collector HAY from aqueous solution by refined carbon from coal fly ash and activated carbon. Journal of Central South University, 201724 (1): 30–38.

[17] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*, Zhihui Shen, et al. L-aspartic acid: A crystal modifier for preparation of hemihydrate from phosphogypsum in CaCl2 solution. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019, 511:48-55. 

[18] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*. Hydration mechanism and hardening property of α-hemihydrate phosphogypsum. Minerals, 2019, 9: 733.

[19] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang*, Baolin Ke, et al. Insight into the effect of maleic acid on the preparation of α-hemihydrate gypsum from phosphogypsum in Na2SO4 solution. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 493:34-40.

[20] Xianbo Li, Junjian Ye, ZhiHong Liu, Yueqin Qiu, Longjiang Li, Song Mao, Xianchen Wang, Qin Zhang*. Microwave digestion and alkali fusion assisted hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash for enhanced adsorption of Cd(II) in aqueous solution. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(1):9-20.


[22] 杨炜平,张鑫,邹航,李显波*. MgCl2溶液中顺丁烯二酸调控α半水磷石膏晶形[J].矿物学报,2023,43(4):558-564.


[24] 何芋崎,李显波*,杜亚文,. 粉磨细度对磷石膏物相转变速率和力学强度的影响研究[J]. 矿产综合利用,2022(6):36-41.

[25]王禄嵩,李显波,杜伟凡等.可溶性氟对α半水石膏力学性能的影响机理研究[J].产综合利用,1-15 http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/51.1251.TD. 20231101.1454.016.html.

[26]李显波, 张覃, 柯宝霖, 等.脂肪酸捕收剂分子结构与性能的密度泛函理论研究[J].矿产综合利用,2024,45(3):167-173.


[1] 李显波,程伟,柯宝霖.选矿厂职业卫生与健康课程教学改革探索[J].科技视界, 2022(7):144-146.(教改论文)

[2] 李显波,程伟. 基于腾讯会议的线上教学实践——以选矿厂管理课程为例[J]. 新教育时代电子杂志(教师版),2023(15):127-129.(教改论文)


2016 年(近 5 年)以来获得发明专利、科研(教学)成果奖及成果推广情况


[1]  李显波,王禄嵩,曹敏,.降低磷建筑石膏吸水率的方法、采用的防水剂及制备方法[P].ZL 2023 1 0271940.3,2024-07-26.

[2] 陈傲傲,李显波.一种测量溶液中磷灰石和白云石表面水化膜厚度的方法[P].CN202310982856.2,2023-10-31.


[1] 李显波,章铁斌,卯松,.一种超声波振动筛板的充填式浮选柱[P].CN202320547564.1,2023-09-05.

[2] 李显波,王禄嵩.一种带校直试针的石膏凝结时间测量装置[P].CN202223566947.8,2023-06-30.

[3] 李显波,张覃,高文鑫,.一种用于制备α半水磷石膏的装置[P].CN202122565658.5,2022-04-29.

[4]杜亚文,李显波,李明露,.一种便携式建筑石膏标准稠度用水量的测量装置[P]. CN202122579277.2,2022-04-05.




Green and Smart Mining Engineering《矿冶工程》《绿色矿冶》青年编委

Construction and Building MaterialsJournal of Cleaner ProductionInternational Journal of Mining Science and TechnologySurfaces and InterfacesWaste ManagementJournal of Crystal GrowthMaterials Today SustainabilityCase Studies in Construction MaterialsJournal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryJournal of Materials Research and TechnologyChemistrySelectPhysica Status Solidi (a)Desalination等期刊审稿人。


[1] 2024.10 BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育2024年教师教学竞赛工科组三等奖(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育颁发)

[2] 2024.06 关于2024年教师讲课比赛一等奖(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育伟德国际1946源于英国颁发)


[4] 2024.10BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育2024年教学成果奖二等奖(排名2(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育颁发)

[5]2023.06 贵州省自然科学奖三等奖(排名5贵州省人民政府颁发)

[6] 2023.12 BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育2023年青年教师教学竞赛工科组二等奖(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育颁发)

[7] 2023.08  伟德国际1946源于英国2023年教师讲课比赛二等奖(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育伟德国际1946源于英国颁发)

[8] 2022.05  伟德国际1946源于英国2022年教师讲课比赛二等奖(BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育伟德国际1946源于英国颁发)

[9] 2022.10  贵州省高等教育教学成果奖三等奖(排名8贵州省教育厅颁发)

地址:贵州省贵阳市花溪区BETVLCTOR伟德国际体育西校区 电话:0851-83627268 邮编: 550025 黔ICP备05000607-1