1. 孔德中,杨胜利.复杂工作面煤壁破坏机理与柔性加固技术[M].北京:煤炭工业出版社,2017.
2. 孔德中,程志恒,蔡峰.近距离煤层群开采关键技术研究[M].徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,2021
以第一作者或通讯作者发表 SCi/Ei 30 余篇,代表论文如下:
1.Wang, Y., Kong, D., Wu, G. et al. Failure Mechanism and Movement Characteristics of Overlying Strata in Longwall Mining Face with Thick Aquifer. Rock Mech Rock Eng 57, 6787–6809 (2024).
2.Yu Xiong, Dezhong Kong, Gaofeng Song, Research hotspots and development trends of green coal mining: Exploring the path to sustainable development of coal mines, Resources Policy, Volume 92, 2024,105039.
3.Long Chen, Dezhong Kong, Li Li, Qinzhi Liu, Pengfei Zhang, Lin Zhang, Zuo Yujun, Analysis of the impact of key strata failure on overlying strata and surface transport patterns, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 163, Part B, 2024, 108532.
4.Chen, L., Kong, D., Li, P. et al. Study on the destabilisation mechanism of karst mountains under the coupled action of mining and rainfall. Bull Eng Geol Environ 83, 481 (2024).
5.Yu Xiong, Dezhong Kong, Gaofeng Song, Analysis of inclined length effect of roof fracture and overlying strata catastrophe in steeply inclined longwall face: A case study, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 160, 2024, 108243.
6.Yu Xiong, Dezhong Kong, Gaofeng Song, Yuan He, Failure mechanism and 3D physical modeling test of coal face pyramid sliding in steeply inclined working face: A case study, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 159, 2024, 108064.
7.Y. Shang, Y. Wang, L. Zhang et al., “Impact of Lower Protective Coal Seam Mining on Overlying Strata: Deformation, Pressure Relief, and Permeability Enhancement,” International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 24, no. 9, Sep 1, 2024.
8.Y. L. Wang, G. Y. Wu, L. Zhang et al., “Study on Dynamic Evolution Law of Fracture and Seepage in Overlying Strata during Mining under Karst Aquifer,” International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 24, no. 1, Jan, 2024.
9.Liu Yuhao, Kong Dezhong, Li Peng, Wen Zhijie, Li Fei, Zuo Yujun, Wu Guiyi, The migration and evolution law of overlying strata and the instability and failure characteristics of end face roof under the condition of ascending mining in close distance coal seam: Case study, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 165, 2024, 108809.
10.Wang, Y., Wu, G., Kong, D. et al. Study on the destabilization and deformation breakage characteristics of the mine roof under repetitive mining of close coal seam group. Comp. Part. Mech. 11, 1503–1516 (2024).
1.孔德中,王沉,马振乾,等. 一种实验煤岩样快速精准加工装置及方法[P]. 贵州省: CN201610935509.4, 2023-08-15.
2.李飞,李强,孔德中,等. 一种重复采动下采场矿压监测装置[P]. 贵州省: CN202210220791.3, 2023-05-23.
3. Angle-Adjustable Automatic Propeller-Type Device For Introscope Rod. 尼日利亚专利,授权时间:2024.5.7,专利号:011279.
4. A Loading System for Flexible Reinforcement Experiment of Coal Face in Working Face. 南非专利,授权时间:2022.9.16,专利号:2022/06870.
5. 基于云计算的岩石力学参数检测系统,软件著作权,授权时间:2023.9.17,软著登字第12446121号.
6. 岩石力学均布载荷计算系统,软件著作权,授权时间:2023.9.17,软著登字第12446614号.
获奖情况(省部级一等奖 1 项、二等奖 1 项、三等奖1 项):
1. 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术一等奖
2. 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术二等奖(三次)
3. 贵州省科学技术进步三等奖
4. 绿色矿山科学技术一等奖(三次)
5. 煤炭青年科技奖会
6. 全国高校矿业石油与安全工程领域优秀青年科技人才奖
7. 山西省科学技术二等奖
1. 贵州省岩石力学与工程学会会员
2. 放顶煤工程中心委员
3. 贵州省能源局、贵州省应急管理厅、贵阳市科技局专家
4. Journal of Cleaner Production、Engineering Failure Analysis、Computational Particle Mechanicss、Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration、《煤炭科学技术》、《黄金科学技术》等知名期刊审稿专家